
12 03, 2017

Heavy Metal Toxicity Symptoms

2017-03-12T14:09:18+00:00March 12th, 2017|Detox, Health Tips, Heavy Metals|

There are several environmental factors that contribute to cancer including heavy metal toxicity in the body. Other conditions linked to mercury, lead, uranium, antimony, nickel, thallium, and arsenic toxicity include Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Auto Immune Disease, Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Lung Disease. Environmental toxins have disrupt the immune, nervous and hormonal ...

1 03, 2017

Beer, Wine or Water?

2017-03-01T09:50:19+00:00March 1st, 2017|Detox|

In 2012, 3 million deaths worldwide were due to alcohol, which is more than Lung Cancer and HIV/AIDS combined. Alcohol is a drug that is toxic to the nervous system, liver, heart and pancreas. Long-term consumption of alcohol can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Cancer is the leading cause of death ...

16 07, 2015

Reasons to Consider a Detox

2015-07-16T02:45:05+00:00July 16th, 2015|Detox|

To help maintain a healthy body, your goal should be to have one to two “normal” bowel movements per day.  Normal stool is most often long, formed, easy to pass, and does not contain any blood or mucous. Common causes of constipation include drinking less than six cups of water daily, having too much caffeine, ...

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